Maryland &
District of Columbia
Area 24
News, Events & Alerts

Area Guidance on Face to Face Meetings
The following Questions & Answers (Q&As) were developed after consultation with staff at our World Service Office (WSO) in Virginia Beach, as they are also receiving inquiries from members all over the world about how to “safely open” our FTF meetings.
This Q&A is intended to offer some guidance as our members reason things out with one another, in order to reach an informed group conscience regarding how their group will proceed. They certainly do not address every issue that may come up.
This document is long and detailed because of the many issues relate
to FTF and electronic meetings which we have never had to consider
before. Please make time to read and share it.
Updating eMeeting Info
WSO created an online temporary Electronic meeting information change form, available during the COVID-19 Pandemic so that your meeting’s information is available on the WSO meeting list. These temporary electronic meetings are set up at the same time and day of the face-to-face meetings. This temporary information will be updated with your Group meeting listing on the WSO meeting search.
Instructions for having your temporary Electronic meeting information added:
From the WSO Website, under the Members option, select Group Resources , then select under Group Records in the drop-down menu: Group Resources / Group-Records. Click on Form for Temporary Electronic Meeting Form and add your information.
See the June Al-Anon-Cer for more details.
Al-Anon Official Mobile App
This Mobile App marks the next evolution in Al-Anon Recovery. Now, with just a couple taps in the app, English-, Spanish-, and French-speaking Al-Anon members and newcomers from around the world will be able to come together for Al-Anon recovery.
Click here for more information:
Newcomers Welcome Email
The welcome email shared with the 2020 virtual WSC members can now be received by newcomers to any electronic meeting—whether it be temporary or permanent. We encourage you to share/display this URL with any newcomers to your meetings. The link will prompt the recipient to enter their personal email address for them to receive the welcome email: Al-Anon.org/newcomers
Area 24 Al-Anon Family Group (AFG) of Maryland and DC
Send Area contributions and mail to:
AFG of MD and DC, Inc.
3116 Parkway
Cheverly, MD 20785
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Some information is removed from the on-line version to protect anonymity.
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