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About Alateen


for more information on Alateen in Area 24



What is Alateen?

Alateen is for young relatives and friends of alcoholics; it is part of Al-Anon.  We believe alcoholism is a family disease that affects everyone in the family. Alateen meetings in this Area are attended by 9-19 year olds. By attending meetings, young people gain an understanding of the illness and feel the benefits of realizing they are not alone. They learn that they did not cause this problem and that they are not responsible for their relative’s or friend’s drinking or behavior. By sharing their experiences, they find solutions to their problems and hope for the future.


Each Alateen meeting is sponsored by two experienced Al-Anon members who are screened and cleared to work with young people by the FBI. “It’s easy to deceive ourselves into thinking that the children don’t know what is going on. But if we are really honest, we will see that the children do know something is terribly wrong. Children have an amazing capacity for dealing with the truth. Shrouding the illness in mystery and lies is far more frightening than a down-to-earth talk about the disease of alcoholism.” (from the Al-Anon Family Groups pamphlet, How Can I Help My Children? [P-9])




An AMIAS is an

Al-Anon member

in Alateen service,

formerly referred to as an Alateen sponsor.  Go to the events page for training opportunities and the Alateen website for more details.

Area 24 Alateen Contact Information


Alateen Area Coordinator


Alateen Process Person


Phone 443-379-4430

© Copyright © 2012, Maryland and District of Columbia Al-Anon and Alateen Family Group (AFG). All Rights Reserved.

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