Maryland &
District of Columbia
Area 24
Events - Conventions - Workshops
Check this listing for events in and around our Area! If you have a flyer for an Al-Anon event to post, please use the submit section on the Contact page.
Upcoming Events
Fall Convention Planning Meeting
Saturday - 1/9/2021
Due to COVID, the Fall 2020 Area 24 Convention was cancelled. Join us to discuss the next Fall convention.
Time: 10:00 AM
Zoom # 812 7148 3990
Passcode: 118951
Spring Area 24 AWSC Committee Meeting
Saturday - 3/20/2021
All District Reps and Steering Committee chairs should attend. All members are welcome! Please arrive by 9:30 to register, meeting starts promptly at 10:00 AM.
Time: 10:00 AM
Location: TBD
Spring Area 24 Assembly
Saturday - 5/22/2021
All members are welcome. Group Representatives vote at this meeting. Please arrive by 9:30 to register, meeting starts promptly at 10:00 AM.
Time: 10:00 AM
Location: TBD
Fall Area 24 AWSC Committee Meeting
Saturday - 9/25/2021
Due to COVID, the Fall 2020 Area 24 Convention was cancelled. Join us to discuss the next Fall convention.
Time: 10:00 AM
Location: TBD
Spring Area 24 Assembly
Saturday - 10/23/2021
All members are welcome. Group Representatives vote at this meeting. Please arrive by 9:30 to register, meeting starts promptly at 10:00 AM.
Time: 10:00 AM
Location: TBD