Maryland &
District of Columbia
Area 24
Spring Alateen AMIAS - April Training
Zoom Training session:
Sunday, April 19, 2020 - 1:30 to 4:00 p.m.
Current AMIAS may attend for 2020 Annual Recertification and should also contact the Alateen Area Coordinator.
For questions or to sign up for training, please contact the Alateen Area Coordinator, Barb M. at alateenarea24ac@gmail.com or 443-379-4430 and leave a message
Al-Anon.org Meeting Search -
Groups Add e-Meeting information!
WSO created an online temporary Electronic meeting information change form, available during the COVID-19 Pandemic so that your meeting’s information is available on the WSO meeting list. These temporary electronic meetings are set up at the same time and day of the face-to-face meetings. This temporary information will be updated with your Group meeting listing on the WSO meeting search.
See the June Al-Anon-Cer for more details.